Strange Things Are Happening On The London Food Scene…
24 Nov 2018
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but our own curiosities have gotten us really excited. As you know, here at FoodNoise HQ, we’re always down for the bizarre, the strange and the downright weird.

So, we’ve come across some really strange activity recently, some proper UFOs (unidentified food objects), so naturally we’ve just had to share them with you…

1) There’s a man on my drink
Takeovers are spreading like wildfire, restaurants and bars have gone fringe over toenails for guest liquors, pop-up kitchens and short stay bartenders. Change can be a hard thing to swallow for some, but we absolutely love a surprise. One take over we really enjoyed this year was at Oslo, Hackney. In celebration of National Bourbon Day (14th June), Bulleit Bourbon hijacked the Nordic bar for the month and created an exclusive cocktail list featuring the drink with the face – the incredible Tattoo Sour. Well, it’s an edible tattoo garnish of a mean looking guy in a hat, not an actual face, that really would be weird.
2) There’s whiskey with my beer and burger
Another trick this Hackney hottie has up its sleeve is its signature burger and boilermaker. A boilermaker, for those of you who don’t know, is American terminology for a glass of beer and a shot of whiskey. Yep, it really is as simple (and as good) as that. But to be honest, no matter what you’re drinking, each burger on the menu is going to be in line for stealing the show. God bless Oslo!

3) There’s a small tree in my smoothie
We can’t help but notice how experimental smoothies are getting as of late. It seems anything and everything is getting whizzed up into an edible liquid, you have matcha powders, nut milk, vegetables and we swear one place in North London threw in parts of the kitchen sink. If you want a good ‘un, Joe and the Juice have a great menu with chilli, turmeric, red pepper and avocado all ready to be swallowed. We just wanna clear one thing up though, how exactly do we know we aren’t just drinking lazy soup?
4) There’s fruit in my burger
Jackfruit is having it’s five minutes of fame, if you haven’t already tried it then frankly, you must. There are a few joints featuring it on the menu, but the jackfruit burger in Redemption is one of the best. It might claim to be sin free but its flavour will have you down with Duffy begging on your knees for mercy. If you’re up for ticking off a few more of those five a day then be sure to taste their fruit-filled cocktails – we’re bananas for them too.

5) There’s bugs in my ice cream
This one has really been bugging us (oh dear!!!). Insects, crawlies and things that slime in the night have made their way into the supermarkets and onto the shelves. Surprisingly they taste great, they add a tonne of protein and they help towards sustainability. Don’t believe us? Try the Eat Grub energy bars and dried ingredients, they’ll definitely have you crawling back for more.
And as an extra little treat for you, keeping within the theme of our glorious capital, click on the below link for an awesome selection of photos from The Photo Team entitled ‘Photographing London: Iconic Locations and Hidden Gems’…