London’s Little Spots of Paradise
11 Nov 2016
We don’t all need to be jet setting across the world to find our own little spots of paradise, who wants to be launched into the atmosphere at a million miles an hour anyway, spending several hours sat next to Snotty Sam and Dirty Harry.

There are plenty of places to chill out in the big capital, you just need to know where to find them – which is exactly where we come in.

1) Garden Museum
Surrounding yourself with nature is an exemplary way to find some peace and tranquility. Although it may seem like it’s a tough thing to find in an urban area, there are some places that shouldn’t be ruled out. The Garden Museum on Lambeth Palace road is an endearing institution, and, as well as chilling out here, it’s educational, which is like hitting two robins with one rock and there are some super activities to get involved in, because being sociable is also great for the soul.
2) The Library
We promise that not all libraries are full of cardigan wearing O.A.P’s with glasses thicker than a dictionary, they can be really fascinating places and they are always, always quiet. Every book has two extraordinary stories to tell, one from the words written on the page and one from the hands it’s been passed through, with every borrower making their own unique mark. There are some stunning ones around town, including the National Art Library and the British Library.

3) Bookshops
Talking of books, book shops are also a good spot to sneak in some peace and quiet. Even the most central book shops are filled with a tranquil atmosphere, they can be a haven of peace in a busy part of town. It’s easy to find a comfy spot to rest in, you can flick through a book or two getting lost in imagination and the intoxicating smell of newly printed pages – there just isn’t a better scent on this blue and green planet of ours.
4) Spas
Yeah, yeah, alright we didn’t really think outside the box with this one and it does usually require you to splash some cash, even when you get a good deal, but the relaxing music, treatments, posh towels, saunas and hot tubs is a really great way to get some R and R. There are quite a few knocking about the place, so just take your pic.

5) Island Poke
Of course we don’t want to forget about the food, no paradise would be paradise without some great grub and great grub is exactly what Island Poke is all about. The Kingly Street shop has encapsulated both the Hawaiian cuisine and its ethos, the food is lush and tropical. Sticky white rice, poke fish, mango, pineapple and nuts, nothing in paradise should be complicated and the simplicity of the boxed salads, made before your very own eyes is beautiful. You can swing in the window sipping from a coconut or find your own little slice of tranquility – filling you up with joy all day.