Let’s get ready for summer
14 May 2018
Getting into the new season isn’t just about taking off your coat and putting on your sunglasses. There are loads of ways you can start getting excited about summer.

No matter what the weather is saying, the clocks have gone forward and the days are getting longer. So it’s time to start feeling hot, hot, hot…

1) Evans & Peel
BBQ food is THE food of the summer right? So, we thought it was about time to indulge in those smokey flavours once again. One of our favourite bars is without a doubt Evans & Peel, and the great news is they’ve just introduced a new smokehouse menu. Ok, so it’s not quite cooked on a BBQ, but the fried rib and smoked sausage are off the chart good. First off though, start with the roasted chillies (if you dare) and a curiosity cola – you’ll be feeling hot under the collar in no time.
2) Frank’s Red Hot Sauce
Want to spice things up quickly? Then Frank’s Red Hot is the way to do it. This cayenne pepper sauce will have you crying out for more with its intense flavour and eye-watering heat. You can literally add it to anything, chicken wings, potatoes or just shoot it straight from the bottle. Once you start feeling those tingly feelings in your mouth, there will be no stopping you dreaming of high noon in the middle of summer.

3) Eat Seasonally
However important it is to us, we aren’t about to start shouting about fish in the sea, or holes in the ozone layer, but we are going to encourage you to give seasonal eating a go. It’s the best way to make the most of the summer, with radishes, beetroots and new potatoes being the absolute bomb this time of year. We have a soft spot for those little Jersey potatoes, crowned ‘the Champagne of the potato world’ you’ll have to rush to pick these guys up as they’re only available April to June.
4) Visit a street Market
Sure, street markets are open in the midst of the winter too, but clutching onto a burger while battling the wind and the rain isn’t on our list of top things to do. So while the weather permits it, make the most of what the streets of London have to offer. If you haven’t been already, then Maltby Street Market should be the first one you visit. With its picturesque railway arches, it’s the perfect weekend destination and they’ll also be selling those little Jersey potato guys we’ve been bigging up.

5) Rooftop Bar
The summer was made for getting high. Now don’t get us wrong here, we aren’t permitting any illegal activity, we’re talking about getting up on the roof. London has more rooftop bars than your Granny has warts on her back, we’re literally spoilt for choice. So make a date with your mates and get up, up and away.